Many of us are driven by inner restlessness and longing. A sense that something is missing in life although information technology is difficult to put our finger on what it is.

We accept the belief (even though we may not be aware of it) that when we have a better relationship, a more fulfilling job, more than money, the next vacation, a ameliorate trunk, or a number of other things that we'll feel satisfied. That our life will experience more complete.

And still even when we get a new relationship, more than money or whatever information technology is we however feel there must be more.

So what is it that we're really looking for? What are we seeking?

At the heart of this seeking is the demand to know who we are and why we are here. What is this journey nosotros call life all well-nigh?

This sense that something is missing is often an invitation to become more than enlightened of our essence and who we are beyond the surface level of our life and our conditioned self.

I personally experienced a feeling of what I came to call "soul hunger" in my ain life which manifested equally stress-related health problems, relationship troubles, and a lack of pregnant and purpose.

This soul hunger is an invitation to embark on an inner journey in order to sympathise ourselves better and shed the limiting beliefs that are holding usa dorsum from condign our best and most accurate selves.

Information technology often happens at a fourth dimension in our life when nosotros're acutely aware that we have a lot to be grateful for.

We notice an inner tug of state of war between the part of us that tells us we should just be grateful and the function of ourselves that tells us at that place must be more.

And if feeling lost and confused isn't enough we also experience lonely considering we find that most people don't understand what we're experiencing. We get the message-

"You have so much and are so fortunate what could mayhap be missing in your life?"

I get it because I have been there and experienced these same feelings that were disruptive and unsettling. I experienced a dark dark of the soul and was actually suffering even though I had SO much to feel grateful for.

What are these feelings and inner knowing that something is missing in our lives trying to tell us?

I began to see a pattern in the people I mentor and it usually boils downwardly to three things:

We may exist disconnected from our deeper, more accurate selves.

In this scenario, we accept been so busy focusing on other people or fulfilling the many roles in our lives that we lose touch with our innermost selves.  We may take put a lot of time and free energy into raising a family unit, and/or work and then something changes and we're left asking- Who am I without these roles or this task? What am I meant to practise at present?

It'south not uncommon to lose sight of our ain unique values, gifts, needs, and what makes us feel nearly vital and live.

Our authentic cocky tin can easily go buried beneath a whole lot of layers and beliefs. We're decorated beingness a "good" person and doing what weshould exercise to exist productive human beings and in the process, we can lose bear upon with who we really are and who we're meant to become.

We may be longing for more than feelings of connection in our relationships.

As nosotros begin to awaken we are less satisfied with living at the shallow cease of life.

Our souls long for deep and fulfilling relationships where nosotros tin can share our virtually intimate thoughts and feelings with those closest to us.

Nosotros desire and need deeper connections with people and have a want to share and discover our authentic selves with others in a safe and nourishing style.

Just every bit we are meant to grow and evolve, our relationships are also meant to abound and evolve. When this doesn't happen it'southward common to experience similar our relationships lack depth.

While earlier in our lives we may be satisfied with relationships that enable us to share the tasks and manage the roles in our lives, in that location comes a point that our souls need something deeper.

What meets our needs in one chapter of our life doesn't run across our needs in the next.

Shifting our style of being from a needs-based relationship into more soulful relationships, can be very challenging. Merely if the soul is needing a deeper connection and information technology's not available to u.s.a., nosotros are going to experience like something is missing.

We may be longing for deeper meaning and purpose.

This gnawing sense that something is missing in life is a sign that we have a spiritual yearning that we may not be enlightened of.

It'southward an invitation from our soul to bring our life into alignment with our core essence. In The Call of the Soul: x Signs Your Soul is Speaking to Y'all, I explore this further.

The Universe, divine, intelligence, God, higher power, or whatever you call "information technology" is setting off an alarm which may be saying: "You are a spiritual beingness having a human feel." When nosotros don't know how to live equally spiritual beings it is not surprising that it feels like something is missing.

Our society values material success, achievement, status, and identification with our roles. When we achieve these things and/or something changes nosotros are confused most what does bring us deeper meaning and purpose. Many awakening souls get stuck in aligning their inner calling with their outer purpose. I explore this further in, The Biggest Reason Nosotros Get Stuck When Seeking A More than Meaningful Life.

We find ourselves asking what are often considered to be questions arising from our souls-Is this all there is? How am I meant to contribute to something larger than myself? Where am I meant to invest this energy that previously went into my traditional roles and responsibilities?

Spirituality stirs a sense of curiosity, mystery, and way of existence that acknowledges that there is a life strength beyond our command at play in our lives.

The sense that something is missing in life is ultimately an invitation to commence on an inner journey to understand ourselves and arrive the "catamenia" of something much larger than our ego selves.

It'southward an opportunity to shift and pivot in our lives from doing what was expected of us in the first half of our lives to responding to what needs to sally through us for the next part of our journey.

This shift is challenging for many of us and is often a reason that people feel stuck when seeking a more meaningful life.

Ultimately, the feeling that something is missing is a powerful sign that yous're disconnected from your higher self and you're being chosen to grow and evolve.

In the blog,  Exercise You Experience Something Is Missing In Your Life? These Tips May Aid I share suggestions for your next steps. It also includes a x-minute recording of a core meditation practise. That would exist my recommendation for a place to start.

When we create space, turn inward and get curious almost what is missing in our lives, we open the door to evolving into a more authentic, peaceful, and loving version of ourselves.

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(Published August 2017- Updated July 2020)